Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Cause of the Fatherless

Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - See more at:
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - See more at:
" Learn to do right; seek justice.
    Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
    plead the case of the widow.  "
             Isaiah 1:17 
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - See more at:
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - See more at:

Shores of Grace is working to do exactly this..
Finally, the opening of Villa Betania in Pernambuco, Brazil has come! The home will open at the end of February, 2016 as a home for 20 children and teenagers rescued from the streets or unfortunate life/family/living circumstances. To read more, please click below! You can also take a tour of the house!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Update from The Directors

Update from the directors of Shores of Grace.

Atualização dos diretores da Shores of Grace, Recife, Brasil. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

September Update

The Great Commandment versus the Great Commission…

“Without Payment”.

At Shores of Grace, we are involved in many different aspects of ministry. However, collectively and yet individually, we realize the necessity to keep the "Great Commandment" before the Great Commission. Recently, the founders of Shores of Grace initiated a team book study with the text, "Experiencing the Father's Embrace", by Jack Frost.

Two weeks ago we were reminded that Jesus says this is the most important: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). Then, go and heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, disciple the nations, and give freely of what we have not paid for (Matt 10:8, Matt 28:19). This is a reminder that we cannot give of what we do not have, nor is it required of us to do so. However, upon lavishing our love on God, we then can complete the task of giving to others what we were never charged to receive. How can I ask someone else to pay me for the work on the cross that I never endured? Is this the kind of love you offer? Do you give of only what you have earned or paid for? Do you give at all? Do you give of what you have gained without charge?

Without Payment in Practice…
While shopping for fruits and vegetables in the market, some of our teammates and I have made efforts to build friendships with various vendors. One man from Egypt (whom we believe is a Muslim) has stayed in touch with us, and would like to come to our worship services…

The women from the favelas have been sustaining their own business of baking chocolate truffles as they are discipled and taught by team members here at Shores...

During the weekends, the children from the favelas gather at our base as we work to disciple them and reinstate the love they never received freely, and also have fun…

Majority of my time is now being spent working to bring freedom to the women (and men) in prostitution. Recently, our new friend Paulo, has decided he no longer wants to be a transvestite, but rather desires to return to his identity as a man. We believe Paulo will be one of many more that make the choice to willingly leave the prison of prostitution and return to their true identity, not just as male and female, but as sons and daughters of the living God.

Other News…The founder of Shores of Grace, Nic Billman will be ministering at Dayspring Church in Springfield, MO on the evening of October 1st. There you can hear more of a personal update about what God is doing in the lives of the missionaries here in Recife, but also of the ministry work itself. You can also purchase chocolate made by the woman!

[Dani pagnanella] |

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

August Update

Testimonies from Ministry in Brazil..

All glory to God! Great things have happened in the last couple weeks as both my friend, Colleen, and I ministered in different cities and states in Brazil! We had originally planned to travel and minister together, but the Lord adjusted our schedule! 

Some of you knew my Visa was delayed again. I stayed stateside to wait and hear from the Lord while Colleen went ahead of me to Brazil and ministered through dance, prayer, preaching, and discipleship. The Lord opened the door for her to return to a city she ministered in last year with a team from Springfield, MO. To hear more about the testimonies, check out her Facebook page- Colleen Klein.

I arrived in Brazil 5 days later than anticipated, and Colleen and I ministered on opposite sides of the country for a short time apart. While I was in Manaus (Amazon state), I was met with discipleship on the first night to a young girl hungry for more revelation and intimacy with Jesus. The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully as she let the Lord meet her. The Lord came with healing and His sweet presence, reminding her that she is accounted for by her Father in Heaven, not abandoned. What a precious time it was! 

On the last night in Manaus, I preached in a hungry church about stepping into the greater that Jesus offers us in friendship and in partnership. When the invitation was extended for prayer to step into the more, the entire body stepped out to answer the call of Jesus! We prayed over families, young people, and prophetically ministered to individuals.

Colleen and I finally met in Rio de Janiero a few days ago to minister in an English service in Barra Da Tijuca. On Saturday night, we spent hours in worship yelling, singing, whispering, and crying out in adoration. We had an altar call for anyone desiring healing, emotionally specifically. Many people were walked through forgiveness, some weeping on the floor. One girl specifically asked for physical healing in her lower back. She had continuous pain when she reached for something, turned or bent. We prayed and the Lord healed her in that moment! She jumped up and down and bent all around as we laughed and praised the Lord! Upon seeing her the next night, she approached me to tell me that her back still had no pain and no problems. It also turned out that my translator had back pain too and in faith, she had this healed girl pray over her. Afterward, she also was healed! Thank you, God!

The next evening while leaving the church, a few of us unexpectedly ministered to a homeless man and daughter. The daughter desired to have the Holy Spirit live inside her, so we led her through prayer to invite Jesus Christ into her life. Tears were streaming out of her eyes as she cried out looking heavenward inviting the Holy Spirit to come into her heart. Afterward we laughed and danced on the street so as to join the party in Heaven! 

What an awesome God we serve- He who mends the broken hearts, heals physical bodies, restores hope to the hopeless, forgives sin and makes new a man!

What is next?
Tomorrow afternoon I will fly to Recife to return to Shores of Grace. There I will spend the next 3 months. I look forward to again join what God is doing in Recife!

To learn more about where I am and what God is doing, you can visit either link below my name, OR send me an email or a message through Facebook. Thank you to friends and family, and to this great God we serve!  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Returning to Brazil!

Good News! Jesus is alive, He paid for our sins, and He wants a personal relationship with us! Jesus está vivo, ele pagou por nossos pecados, e ele quer um relacionamento pessoal com a gente!

That's the best news, and this is ultimately the reason behind this email..
Out of my own relationship with the living God, I bring other good news of God's faithfulness..

My Visa has been approved and is in the process of being sent to me! This Visa allows me to stay in Brazil for a year at a time. Meu visto foi aprovado ! 

Three months ago, I believe the Holy Spirit told me that my Visa would be approved in a short amount of time. It was a couple weeks ago now that I told a friend it will be God's hand guiding this Visa through in order for it to come in time to travel to Brazil mid-August like I believed He also said...

The next day after saying this to my friend, I received an email that my Visa was approved. :) Praise you, Lord.

Therefore, things are moving fast! I have purchased a ticket to return to Brazil, and much traveling is ahead for the next several weeks! 
Eu estarei viajando muito nas proximas semanas!

First, I will be traveling to a few different US states for conferences. On August 10th, Nashville, TN to join the Voice of the Apostles conference hosted by Global Awakening (

I return to Springfield, MO from August 13-18th to spend time with my church family, and receive from the Lord at another conference with Heidi Baker in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

On August 18th, a friend and I will board our planes to Brazil! We will minister together in churches through worship, prophetic dance, and preaching until August 31st. Our schedule includes cities such as Sao Paulo, Campinas, and Manaus.
A partir de 18 de Agosto a 31 de Agosto, minha amiga e eu estamos viajando para diferente cidades e estados em Brazil para ministrar em as igrejas via adoracao e danca profetica.

Sept 1- Nov 31: I will return to Recife, Brazil to continue working with the missions organization, Shores of Grace. I will specifically spend time working with the woman in prostitution. I will spend the month of December in the United States.
A partir de 1 de Setembro a 31 de Novembro, eu vou a Recife para continuar trabalhando com o ministerio, Shores of Grace.Vou trabalhar especificamente com as mulheres na prostituição. Vou passar o mês de Dezembro nos Estados Unidos.

I personally thank you all for your prayers, prophetic words, financial support!
Obrigada pela suas orações, palavras profeticas, e apoiar monetário.
Note: I no longer have an active cell phone number. Contact me through Skype, Facebook, or email.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Pictures from Ministry in Brazil

To view more pictures from the last time in Brazil, visit here:

Also, join me for an informational meeting to hear about the work I am preparing to do when I return to Brazil, and to hear more about what the Spirit of God is doing in the nation of Brazil!

Saturday, July 18th, 2:00 pm at Hope Church, Springfield, MO. For directions, click here:,-93.218473&z=14&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=embed&daddr=2121+S+Blackman+Rd+Springfield,+MO+65809@37.17411,-93.2184734

And to view the list of donations I will be gathering, and for those who asked to help me tangibly, please see below: