Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Cause of the Fatherless

Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - See more at:
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - See more at:
" Learn to do right; seek justice.
    Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
    plead the case of the widow.  "
             Isaiah 1:17 
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - See more at:
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. - See more at:

Shores of Grace is working to do exactly this..
Finally, the opening of Villa Betania in Pernambuco, Brazil has come! The home will open at the end of February, 2016 as a home for 20 children and teenagers rescued from the streets or unfortunate life/family/living circumstances. To read more, please click below! You can also take a tour of the house!

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