Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Returning to Brazil!

Good News! Jesus is alive, He paid for our sins, and He wants a personal relationship with us! Jesus está vivo, ele pagou por nossos pecados, e ele quer um relacionamento pessoal com a gente!

That's the best news, and this is ultimately the reason behind this email..
Out of my own relationship with the living God, I bring other good news of God's faithfulness..

My Visa has been approved and is in the process of being sent to me! This Visa allows me to stay in Brazil for a year at a time. Meu visto foi aprovado ! 

Three months ago, I believe the Holy Spirit told me that my Visa would be approved in a short amount of time. It was a couple weeks ago now that I told a friend it will be God's hand guiding this Visa through in order for it to come in time to travel to Brazil mid-August like I believed He also said...

The next day after saying this to my friend, I received an email that my Visa was approved. :) Praise you, Lord.

Therefore, things are moving fast! I have purchased a ticket to return to Brazil, and much traveling is ahead for the next several weeks! 
Eu estarei viajando muito nas proximas semanas!

First, I will be traveling to a few different US states for conferences. On August 10th, Nashville, TN to join the Voice of the Apostles conference hosted by Global Awakening (

I return to Springfield, MO from August 13-18th to spend time with my church family, and receive from the Lord at another conference with Heidi Baker in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

On August 18th, a friend and I will board our planes to Brazil! We will minister together in churches through worship, prophetic dance, and preaching until August 31st. Our schedule includes cities such as Sao Paulo, Campinas, and Manaus.
A partir de 18 de Agosto a 31 de Agosto, minha amiga e eu estamos viajando para diferente cidades e estados em Brazil para ministrar em as igrejas via adoracao e danca profetica.

Sept 1- Nov 31: I will return to Recife, Brazil to continue working with the missions organization, Shores of Grace. I will specifically spend time working with the woman in prostitution. I will spend the month of December in the United States.
A partir de 1 de Setembro a 31 de Novembro, eu vou a Recife para continuar trabalhando com o ministerio, Shores of Grace.Vou trabalhar especificamente com as mulheres na prostituição. Vou passar o mês de Dezembro nos Estados Unidos.

I personally thank you all for your prayers, prophetic words, financial support!
Obrigada pela suas orações, palavras profeticas, e apoiar monetário.
Note: I no longer have an active cell phone number. Contact me through Skype, Facebook, or email.

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