Friday, November 21, 2014

Kissing His Hands

Oi from Brazil!   I have been here two weeks now, and have only grown hungrier.

The last two and half months I spent in the States prior to leaving were spent in much anticipation, expectation, and contention...

Anticipation and expectation are to be understood, but contention?

If you allow the Lord to break you, He will.

Truly, there is no greater reward than to lay down your life and let the Lord break you. This is a continual process, and for as much as I hate it...I love it.

I want to know Him and share the laid down life with Him.

" The cross must destroy all that belongs to our outward man--our opinions, our ways, our cleverness, our self-love, our all...." 

Jesus, have my all. As Peter said, "To whom shall I go? You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:68) 

"We need to learn how to kneel down and kiss the hand that deals with us." -Watchmen Nee

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