Saturday, August 16, 2014

Moving to Brazil

New adventures lie ahead...

For those of you new to this blog, I created it years ago when I initially started the application process of becoming a missionary. The Lord halted me, kept me in Springfield, MO, but allowed me to keep the blog!

Now, years later, after completing my Masters at AGTS, and through much prayer, I am off again (and finally!) to the next place with full assurance He is leading!   

This "next stop" is actually an uproot from Springfield. If I come back, it will be because He leads me back. Otherwise, I'm taking my four bags of belongings and "moving" to Brazil!

As of right now, I leave Springfield August 19th. Our agenda includes traveling the frontier of Peru and Columbia from Sept-Oct.  We will return to Manaus for a bit and then minister in Sao Paulo. Portuguese is the language, and no, I do not know how to speak it. However, I believe for supernatural communication among the people including tongues in their language!

I go expecting to see the release of the Kingdom in large measure because He is wanting to pour out in an extraordinary fashion.

Stay connected through this blog or by facebook/email.

Also, if you'd like to support financially, donations can be made on my paypal page.
See the link: 

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