Sunday, April 19, 2015

Prodigal Daughter

I recently witnessed an amazing display of the parable of the prodigal son. This version has been renamed appropriately to ´´The Prodigal Daughter´´ ..

Every week our team visits a very popular street in a town here in Recife, Brasil, known for its prostitution. The way we minister to these women and men on the street may take different forms, but our mission is simple: to call home the prodigals...

When I first arrived to Recife almost 3 months ago, I met this particular daughter briefly. Shortly after we met, she made the choice to leave the job she had at the missions base and return to the streets. Each time from this point on, when our team sees her during our street visits, we embrace her. We speak love over her with open arms for when and if she decides to return home...
I am so comforted to know this is how the Father approaches us, His children.

Yesterday, this daughter arrived at our base. 
It was a day of rejoicing in the Heavens, and at our base. In fact, she is sleeping in the same room as I am. The reality hit me yesterday: In the same  room that houses missionaries who have left their lives to help rescue others is one of these woman, sleeping safely... Powerful to the say the least.

This morning, Jesus reminded me again of His great love..
This newly returned daughter wanted to surprise her friend, one of the other women who also works on our base who left prostitution last year. I walked downstairs in perfect timing to witness the moment of return and surprise when the front door opened and the friend saw the recently returned daughter standing inside our base. The friend grabbed the prodigal daughter with such passion and relief hugging and kissing her while rejoicingly crying outloud in Portuguese many thanks to Jesus for bringing her friend back. I couldn´t help but start crying myself. Heaven was on earth in that encounter, literally.

This is the reality of God´s heart toward every person, not just the ones in prostitution. His response is the same. He will be always in intercession for us to return home just like the friend at our base who prayed over her friend´s return..And regardless of when and if our return is a fixed return, the response will still be the same when He sees us making our way back home...

Excitement, rejoicing, a loving embrace, and with kisses...

Daughter, son, it´s time to come home. Come as you are. 
It´s not a concern in this moment that your travels have left you stained and dirty. Come home first, and then we can work out the details...

My heart rejoices with the Lord over our newly returned daughter. Seja bem-vinda, amor. Welcome Home.