Saturday, August 30, 2014

Not In A Hurry

I'm not in a hurry... If I rebel to a holding time in "my" life, what does that say about this journey I share in hand with the lover of my soul? It would only show my immaturity. It would reveal I haven't yet realized the grandiose love of the Father to the capacity that He not only fashioned the stars and the moon, but has in fact ordained every step of my life.. In fact, it may also reveal that I've yet things of myself to die to...especially if I think this life is still "mine".. If I thought moving was a way to gain more victory in my own personal life, I have already started down a faulty road of thinking.. If I think I have to go somewhere overseas to "do ministry", I have been completely blinded.. If I allow my mind to convince me that being burned at the stake for the cost of following Jesus will leave the greatest legacy, I'm still thinking of me and I've perhaps neglected a greater call: to be a living sacrifice. On the other hand.. If I think letting God uproot my life won't result in incredible testimonies in my life and the lives of others, I've squelched the adventure of walking with the Holy Spirit... If I think the Holy Spirit is in the business of creatively dropping dreams in my heart just for the sake of dreaming, I've mocked the beauty of carrying the Father's heart and the excitement and glory He gets when Heaven meets earth... And If I think that being brought to a place of radical love for the bridegroom is not constantly a display and offering of Glory to God, I've put myself back under law and condemnation, and I've forgotten the mission of God for all mankind... I can speak with the tongues of men (learn Portuguese, Cantonese, Swahili, fill in the blank..), and prophecy to every soul I meet..I can raise 24 men from the dead and one-up Smith Wigglesworth who raised 23--- I can have visions and dreams and spout the great mysteries of God to the nations.. but if I don't have love, it profits nothing... Here's the point of everything we do.. the reason why we wake up every morning...our very existence all comes back to one thing: God passionately, zealously, and wooingly has man on His mind all. the. time. We can turn the other way and chase every other lover this world offers, but we will constantly, for eternity be written on His heart. I can never outrun the breath of God that formed me. And to prove His love, He gave us a glorious bridegroom--His come in flesh to win the hearts of mankind. And He will for all eternity be inviting man to come into His chambers and experience the divine kisses of His love until the day He finally brings me home in love. It's not gross. It's not impure. The kisses from Jesus are not unholy. And once you experience the invitation of intimacy, you are a mess with giddiness and your only response becomes "Take me away with You-let us hurry! Let the King bring me into his chambers..." (Song of Solomon 1:4) His love becomes your life motto. It's here in the chambers, you are wooed and delighted, and drunk's the place where freedom sets in .. and it's the place where a fire gets fanned inside of you. It's this place where our hearts swell at the mention of His name. And in the revelation and dwelling of His love, you mature into carrying the Father's heart for's here a zeal forms to run with God to anyone and everyone--because they too have got to know this kind of love.. If I think I'm doing anything for Christ for any other motivating factor, I need to go back to the chambers and be reminded of the intoxicating love that first called MY name. I am not moving to move. I am moving because that's what He dreams for my heart..but wherever I may be, I will run with the bountiful Gospel of love burning on the inside.. and for as much as I want to "run", I'm not in a hurry.. Jesus, I want to be mature in this love. Jesus, I want to disciple well. Jesus, I love you.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Moving to Brazil

New adventures lie ahead...

For those of you new to this blog, I created it years ago when I initially started the application process of becoming a missionary. The Lord halted me, kept me in Springfield, MO, but allowed me to keep the blog!

Now, years later, after completing my Masters at AGTS, and through much prayer, I am off again (and finally!) to the next place with full assurance He is leading!   

This "next stop" is actually an uproot from Springfield. If I come back, it will be because He leads me back. Otherwise, I'm taking my four bags of belongings and "moving" to Brazil!

As of right now, I leave Springfield August 19th. Our agenda includes traveling the frontier of Peru and Columbia from Sept-Oct.  We will return to Manaus for a bit and then minister in Sao Paulo. Portuguese is the language, and no, I do not know how to speak it. However, I believe for supernatural communication among the people including tongues in their language!

I go expecting to see the release of the Kingdom in large measure because He is wanting to pour out in an extraordinary fashion.

Stay connected through this blog or by facebook/email.

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